Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Vision and the Reality

I've felt ashamed lately how drastically different my reality is compared to the "Vision" that God has given me for my life, and possibly many other lives. It's beginning to hit me though. Something about my life...and my character needing to be built so that it can handle the reality of the vision.

When God gives a vision, it serves as hope. I've lost sight of that lately. I've been asking the question, "What good is all of this doing me?" I should be asking the question, "What good is all of this doing God?" The fact is, and I really hate to admit this, that God is using some really challenging circumstances to mold my character. It's not only that, but these things are molding my character in ways I know it "should have been" years ago. I guess that's proof that "God's timing is not my timing."

I don't mean to throw around so many Christian cliches at once. Sometimes Christians have a tendency to over-use certain phrases. Doing this has the potential to be dangerous. Words like savior and Lord for example. Christians say that Jesus is their "Lord and Savior." Many people seem to want the Savior part. They want to be saved from hell. The Lord part though, isn't so easy. Lord implies that you emulate, respect, and follow that person's example. Beyond that, you will act in accordance with what they would do in a situation.

In the harder times of life, we tend to be tested to the greatest extent. Why would God allow me to be tested in the hardest times? I think God wants to know who you are going to turn to when things get to be too much for you to handle on your own. Who do you turn to now? Do you turn to God in your difficult situation? This is how it must be for a person with a God-given Vision, especially if they hope for it to become their reality. God hopes His vision for you will become your reality. Out of His goodness and out of His mercy, he designs your life so that you can experience His purpose for your life together. There's no benefit to trying to experience God's purpose for your life without God. It's His purpose...He's got to be involved.

If you are in a hard time, persevere. Perseverance leads to character, and character leads to hope. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. Pray. Prayer is communication with God. He might not say anything, and probably won't say anything if you are surrendering to His Will in your heart. He knows you are on the right path, and wants you to continue. Love others, as if your Lord was Jesus Christ. The Journey is hard, but the burden is light. Here's to all of the dreamers out there, hoping and believing in the visions from God.